Friday, April 18, 2008

Changes of latitiude

I realize that I have been remiss in updating this blog, and I have no excuse. However, it will be changing and perhaps even changing URL. I will update the URL as necessary.

The changes are being brought about by my loss of my lease. I will be leaving behind the most productive garden I have ever created, against my will, for the open road. The next year roughly will be spent traveling the US working for friends and family (and on their gardens) while I make my way to my new home. This may be a rural farm in Canada, or the same in Arkansas.. time will tell. Either way, life has rather suddenly and dramatically changed, but promises new experiences, new opportunities, and new outlooks. For those who have borne with me, I thank you. There will be a reward at the end..

Until then, keep on digging those gardens and enjoying the fruits of your labors. I wish I could leave my gardens to one of you to enjoy, but this is not to be, so I leave all of the wild fruits and vegetables I might have harvested to those of you remaining to enjoy.

I will post updates as I can from the road..