Sunday, July 03, 2005

Summer heat

Far too long has passed since my last post. While struggling with work issues, I found that I was also struggling in the garden as well. After enjoying a few harvests of squash, I began losing plants quite quickly. I am now down to only one of the original plants, and it is not producing any fruit. I have replanted, but even at this, I find that there is something which is pulling up the seedlings and leaving them lay on top of the soil. Apparently I am not meant to be growing squash. Nonetheless I will continue to try.

I planted the winter squash and have begun to see a few sprouts. With luck I will be able to reap a fine harvest from these when the time comes. I believe that because the water from the main garden drains into the squash beds, those beds never got the chance to dry out, so the roots rotted killing the plants. I have added more organic matter to the beds to help with drainage, and removed the soaker hose to those beds.

Tomatoes are coming on strong, but I have a tomato theif eating the tomatoes just before they get ripe. Though I have have grown tomatoes here for a few years, this is the first time I have had this problem. I may hang a cd near the plants to deter any birds, but from the looks of the tomatoes I suspect one of the squirrels.

Nothing else of note in the garden other than we have gone a month with high temperatures and no rain at all. Makes gardening all the more challenging.


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